3 Tips For Selling Your Home Fast

3 Tips For Selling Your Home Fast
by John Carlucci - March 29, 2023

Since the start of the pandemic, real estate has been booming. Many people are greatly benefiting from the current state of the market, seeing huge profits if they choose to sell their homes. Still, even with this advantage for sellers, it’s possible that your home could stay on the market for a while. You might start to worry, wondering if your home is less desirable than you’d thought. In reality, there are plenty of factors that could impact how quickly your home sells. If you’re looking to speed up the process, then here are some suggestions for how you can help your home sell fast.

Increasing Your Curb Appeal

You have to consider that when people are looking through listings, the first image that they’ll see of your home will be of the exterior. If the exterior of your home is too bland or needs visible work, then buyers are much less likely to be interested in opening the listing and looking at the rest of your home’s pictures. This is why it’s so important that you do whatever you can to increase your home’s curb appeal before putting it on the market. 

A quick fix to improve the value of your home is to give your exterior a power wash to get rid of any long built-up grime and, if needed, give it a fresh coat of paint too. If the issues with the exterior of your home are beyond cosmetic, then you should consider fixing them before listing your home, since, depending on the severity of the issues, your home might not pass the required inspection to be able to sell it. If the weather in West Chester has slowly worn away at your stucco siding, to the point where it is becoming cracked and damaged and risking water damage, then you might want to consider stucco remediation to prevent further damage. Not only will stucco remediation improve the quality of your home’s exterior, but the process also gives you the option to choose a new type of siding to improve the overall design of your home. With so many siding options to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find an option that will help your home sell.

If your home’s exterior is in fair condition, then you might want to focus your energy–and money–on the landscaping of your front yard. Adding some trees or flower beds to the front of your house, or even just doing what you can to improve the quality of the grass in your front yard, will greatly increase your curb appeal and take your home from bland to beautiful. Another landscaping idea that can help make your home more desirable is adding privacy hedges between you and your neighbors. Try to look for something that will require little maintenance for the next owners, and you’ll definitely get bonus points for style if you pick something that flowers.

Interior Decor and Staging

Just as important as the exterior of your home is the interior. You don’t want buyers to immediately lose interest after seeing pictures of the interior, or noticing a bunch of little flaws when they come to tour your home. It’s important that you stage your home to make it more appealing. Obviously you want to keep it neat and tidy, but your home should be presentable beyond that. When touring your home, buyers will be scrutinizing even the smallest details in your decor. They’ll also take notice of any scuffs along your baseboards, so it might be best to bust out the magic eraser, or to roll a fresh coat of paint along them if you have stubborn stains that won’t come off.  

Finding the Right Agent

Once your home is in perfect condition, it’s time to find a real estate agent. You might think you’d be fine selling your home on your own, especially with how many real estate apps are available now, but without the professional help of a realtor, your home could sit on the market for much longer. Professional real estate agents will know which sites are most frequented by other real estate agents who are helping people to buy, so they will know exactly where you should list your home to help it sell quickly–and they, themselves, might even have the perfect clients to purchase your home. In addition to increased buyer outreach, having a real estate agent who understands all of the surrounding laws of selling a home will make the process much easier for you, so you can focus on celebrating that you finally closed on your home.

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