How Do I Determine My Property Line?

How Do I Determine My Property Line?
by Jerome Foster - July 6, 2021

Knowing the exact boundaries of your property is mandatory for liability and personal reasons. Today, we are going to discuss how do I determine my property line. All you have to do is follow the steps:

Look for metal boundary markers

Metal markers, sometimes left in place at the corners of property lots to signify boundaries. If you have such a marker on your land, it may make up all or part of your property lot!

  • Most typically, these markers are made of metal rods that are ¾ inches wide and about 18 inches long. Newer ones may have plastic caps.
  • Do not forget that these metal markers might have been moved, buried, or destroyed with the passage of time.
  • You can use a metal detector to uncover the secrets of your property with just one sweep. We recommend using it near where you think the corners of your lot are, but any part will do if you are not sure! If there's something metallic in front of that area (whether small or large), then congratulations-you've found what might be some boundary markers from before these homes were built! To find out for certain, start digging and see what treasures await below ground level.

Look for other types of boundary markers. Wooden stakes, concrete blocks, and piles of rocks may also be used to mark a property line. These are positioned at the corners of your lot for easy identification.

  • These types of markers are not always accurate. For instance, piles of rocks may be moved or even re-arranged for various purposes in surveying. At the same time, wooden stakes that have been used to mark corner boundaries could also serve many other functions like showing the height and depth at a specific point on a property line.

Examine any existing boundary lines. Sometimes, property boundaries are signified by fences or other kinds of barriers. If your property is surrounded by these types of barriers, it may be divided between two owners rather than only one. That's because they can move, and trees don't always grow evenly over the perimeter in every direction from a single point like you might think - so keep an eye out for any possible signs that there could be another owner nearby!

  • If your property is wooded, you may see lines of "blazed" trees, indicating a property line. Blazed trees have slashes in their trunks (often painted) so that they're easily identifiable and helpful in determining land boundaries.


Can Google maps show property lines?

Google Maps is a great tool for determining property lines. Type your address into the "Search Google Maps" search bar and zoom in close enough to see all of the details on it, including what type of terrain you're living right next door to!

How do I find property markers on GPS?

With the use of a GPS, find your way by using its Go To command to navigate towards each corner marking. You should know that it has limited accuracy and might not be able to get you there exactly but will help narrow down where within this area they could be found.

How are property boundaries marked?

Many properties have hidden markers at the corners that, if found, can help you follow your boundaries. When a survey is conducted, the surveyor will leave flags or stakes at these metal markers—which are typically buried or capped with ground ore—to find out how much of your land belongs to you and what needs repairing.

How accurate are Google Maps property lines?

No. google maps are not accurate when it comes to property lines.

What can I use for property markers?

The best way to ensure an attractive, long-lasting paint job is to start by removing the rough bark from the top of a tree. Make sure your first layer of acrylic house paint has dried before applying another coat and going around property lines for extra protection. With these steps, you'll have lasting exterior color that will last up 15 years or more!

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