Our Team

John Carlucci
Founder, CEO
John has worked alongside Real Estate Giants across USA and Canada for decades. Since he started Prudentialcal, he has been actively rendering service as business adviser to many companies in the real estate industry. 
He formed Prudentialcal in hopes of providing the most reliable stories and information there is in the vast industry of real estate.
Tamara Rein
Administrative Manager
Tamara has worked with multiple start-ups as well as e-commerce websites, focusing mainly on welcoming and helping nurture new businesses in the market. She also writes market analyses and creates real estate content during her free time, aimed to provide help to those who might need them.
Jerome Foster
Senior Writer
Jerome has worked for an international real estate magazine in the past before joining Prudentialcal. He now spearheads our team of writers and ensures the quality of content we produce weekly.
Kevyn Pitts
Real Estate Expert/Writer
Kevyn was Rory's first protege and has proved himself worthy of his title as a real estate expert through his years of working in the company. He makes sure we get the latest real estate updates and shares his insight to our readers on which investments they should keep an eye on.
Prudential Cal strives to provide the most detailed information about the real estate industry. We assist people in making the best decisions possible by offering unique insights into the global real estate market and advice for both homebuyers and sellers.
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