15 Expert Tips for Speedy Home Sales

15 Expert Tips for Speedy Home Sales
by John Carlucci - August 23, 2023

Being able to sell my house fast is beneficial in facilitating a move to a new life chapter. Still, it also eliminates the burden of maintaining your home in showroom condition and the inconvenience of vacating each time a potential buyer is scheduled to view the property. While data from property information company Zillow suggests that the best time to list a home for a quick sale is a Thursday between March 11 and March 18, the actual speed of selling your home and its final price depends on more than timing. Here are 15 expert tips to facilitate the selling of your house fast, regardless of when you decide to list it.

1. Choose a selling approach.

Before you display that 'For Sale sign, settling on the most suitable selling approach for your circumstances is crucial. While the 'For Sale by Owner' route may be preferable if you're confident in marketing the property and negotiating deals, it only sometimes guarantees a speedy sale or top dollar. A real estate agent might be the optimal choice if your time can be more effectively spent elsewhere. If your aim is "sell my house fast," you might consider an iBuyer, a type of company that can expedite the selling process. Stick with your chosen selling approach and avoid constantly switching, which could potentially deter potential buyers.

2. Engage a proficient real estate agent.

If you plan to sell your house by listing it on the market, selecting the right real estate agent is vital. During the interview process with potential agents, focus on their experience level and market familiarity. An agent with extensive market knowledge and alignment with your expectations can significantly simplify the process.

3. Thoroughly clean your home.

A grimy house immediately turns buyers off. Engage professional cleaning services if you need help to clean it yourself thoroughly. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness at all times when your house is listed.

Important areas to clean include:

  • Kitchen countertops
  • Inside cabinets and appliances
  • Floors and room corners where dust accumulates
  • Shelves
  • Bathroom counters, toilets, tubs, showers
  • Inside closets
  • Windows, both inside and outside
  • Scuffed walls, baseboards, and doors
  • Basement and garage

4. Neutralize your home.

Eliminate all personal mementos such as family photos, religious items, and children's artwork from visible areas. The goal is to allow potential buyers to envision the house as their future home, not as a reminder of its previous occupants.

5. Let the natural light shine.

Buyers love bright, well-lit homes. Ensure all curtains, blinds, and shades are open, and strategically place additional light sources in darker rooms.

6. Minimize furniture and clutter.

More large furniture can make a home appear smaller than it is. Consider renting a storage unit to store excess furniture and declutter your home.

7. Think about home staging.

Professionally staging your home with neutral and stylish furniture can help buyers see its full potential.

8. Hire a professional photographer.

In today's digital age, buyers use online platforms to search for properties. High-quality, professional photos that showcase your home's best features can greatly influence a potential buyer's interest.

9. Utilize 3D tours.

3D home tours have become standard practice in modern property marketing. They provide potential buyers with a comprehensive view of your home, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions.

10. Enhance your home's exterior.

First impressions count. Invest in improving the curb appeal of your home. A clean, welcoming entrance with fresh landscaping can greatly enhance a buyer's first impression.

11. Focus on the entryway.

The first few seconds inside your home can greatly influence a buyer's impression. Keep the entryway clean, clutter-free, and welcoming.

12. Opt for neutral paint colors.

Repainting your home in neutral colors can greatly freshen up its appearance and help buyers imagine their decorations and personal touches.

13. Implement necessary updates.

Minor updates to your kitchen, bathrooms, or living room can help sell your house fast. Fresh paint, new countertops, or modern hardware can significantly impact the final sale price.

14. Be flexible with viewings.

The more accessible your home is for viewing, the more potential buyers will see it. Be prepared for viewings at short notice and make yourself scarce during these times.

15. Price your home accurately.

Overpricing your home to reduce the price later rarely works in real estate. Today's informed buyers can easily compare properties, and overpriced homes tend to stay on the market longer. Remember, the ultimate goal is to "sell my house fast" and for the best possible price by making it attractive and easily accessible to prospective buyers.

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