Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Unlocking Opportunities for Stock Market Investors

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Unlocking Opportunities for Stock Market Investors
by John Carlucci - July 19, 2023

Investing can be overwhelming. Most people know stocks and bonds. However, other investment opportunities often remain under the radar. One example is Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

Keep on reading as we peek into the world of REITs, their benefits, and how they can offer attractive opportunities for stock market investors.

Understanding REITs

REITs or Real Estate Investment Trusts are companies that own, and in most cases, operate income-producing real estate. They provide a way for individual investors to earn a share of the income produced through commercial property ownership, without the need to buy any property themselves.

If you’re looking for smart ways to invest in real estate, consider the three types of REITs: 

  • Equity REITs: These REITs generate income through the collection of rent on and appreciation of the properties they own
  • Mortgage REITs: These invest in mortgages or mortgage securities tied to commercial properties, earning income from the interest on these investments
  • Hybrid REITs: They combine the investment strategies of both equity and mortgage REITs, diversifying their income sources.

The Attractiveness of REITs to Stock Market Investors

In your search for investments in real estate, REITs are worth considering. They offer several advantages that can make them an attractive choice for stock market investors.

High Dividend Yield

REITs typically provide high dividends because they are required to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders annually. This feature can make them an excellent choice for income-focused investors.


Unlike physical assets, which can take months to buy or sell, REITs can be bought and sold with the same ease as any stock. This liquidity makes REITs a flexible option for investors.


Adding REITs to a portfolio can help diversify investments beyond traditional stocks and bonds. As a result, it can reduce risk.

Inflation Hedging

As real estate prices often rise with inflation, REITs can act as an effective hedge, offering protection to investors during inflationary periods.

How to Invest in REITs

You’ll have several choices when investing in REITs. The right option depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and level of control. 

Direct Purchase

Just like buying stocks from Zillow, you can buy a REIT directly through a broker. This method gives you ownership of that particular REIT and dividends are paid directly to you.

  • Research Thoroughly: Before purchasing shares of a REIT directly, make sure you've done your due diligence. Understand the REIT's management team, property holdings, earnings potential, and how it has performed over time.
  • Diversify Your REIT Investments: Consider investing in REITs across various sectors of the real estate market such as residential, commercial, and industrial properties. This can help spread risk and increase potential returns.
  • Consider the REIT's Dividend Yield: REITs are known for their high dividend yields. But a high yield can sometimes signal financial distress. Be cautious and make sure the dividends are sustainable.

Mutual Funds and ETFs

Real estate investors can also consider sector-specific mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) also provide a way to tap into REITs. These funds provide instant diversification by investing in multiple REITs at once.

  • Understand the Fund's Strategy: Some funds focus on certain types of REITs, while others are more diversified. Make sure the fund's investment strategy aligns with your own.
  • Look at Expense Ratios: Mutual funds and ETFs come with fees that can eat into your returns. Choose funds with lower expense ratios when possible.
  • Consider the Fund's Track Record: While past performance isn't a guarantee of future returns, a fund's track record can give you a sense of its management's competence and investment strategy.
  • Look at the Fund's Holdings: Make sure the fund invests in REITs you'd be comfortable holding yourself. Not all funds have the same investment criteria.

Other Tips for Maximizing Returns from REITs

Investing in REITs can indeed be a fruitful endeavor. However, it demands thorough thought and deliberate planning. Let's explore some additional strategies for maximizing your potential returns from REITs.

Keep an Eye on the Real Estate Cycle

The real estate market isn't static—it follows a cyclical pattern that can heavily impact the performance of REITs. 

Gaining a clear understanding of these cycles can help anticipate which market segments are poised to perform well. 

Don't limit your knowledge to surface-level trends. Dive deep to understand the factors that influence real estate cycles, including interest rates, economic growth, and the dynamics of supply and demand.

Consider Global REITs

Broadening your portfolio to incorporate global REITs can offer an enhanced scope for diversification and potential returns. 

With each country potentially being at different stages of its real estate cycle and experiencing distinct growth rates, global REITs present a plethora of investment possibilities. 

You must be well-versed in the specific risks associated with each country. Consider their economic, political, and legal environments. 

It's also vital to understand that investing in global REITs does expose you to currency risks, as fluctuations in exchange rates can affect your returns.

Regular Portfolio Rebalancing

Over time, your portfolio value will increase or decrease. As a result, the percentage of your holdings in REITs may shift. 

Periodically rebalancing your portfolio can ensure that your investment strategy remains aligned with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. 

This requires regular portfolio reviews, potentially on a quarterly or annual basis. 

Working with a financial advisor is a good idea when things feel overwhelming. An expert can guide you through the process and ensure your investments stay on track.

Stay Informed 

Things can change quickly. By keeping yourself updated about the latest market trends, changes in real estate laws, and the performance of individual REITs, you are positioning yourself for better-informed investment decisions. 

Regularly engaging with financial news can help you stay on top of the economic landscape and the real estate market in particular. 

Review the quarterly and annual financial reports of the REITs you've invested in. Doing so can provide valuable insights into their performance and future prospects.

Understand Tax Implications

Like any investment, REITs come with their own tax implications. Understanding these nuances can make a significant difference in your net returns. 

In general, the dividends you receive from REITs are taxed as ordinary income, not at the lower qualified dividend rate. However, some dividends may be classified as a return of capital, which is not immediately taxable but reduces your cost basis in the REIT.

As with any aspect of financial planning, it's advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand the implications fully and strategize accordingly.

Patience Pays

Lastly, patience is crucial when investing in REITs. 

Real estate is generally a long-term investment. The value of your REIT shares may fluctuate in the short term. This is even if the overall trend in real estate has been upward. 

Maintain a steady hand. Stay committed to your long-term goals. Remember, volatility is a normal part of investing.

Overall, REITs offer a unique opportunity to invest in real estate without the need to own, manage, or finance properties yourself. They provide a high-dividend, liquid, and diversification-friendly option for investors. While they come with their own set of risks, careful selection and due diligence can unlock significant rewards.

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